The £300 hot tub you didn’t know you needed

Come and get it while it’s hot, it’s the £300 hot tub you never knew you needed! Yes you read that right, you really can snap up your very own personal hot tub for £300 at Crawley’s County Mall.

Is it me, or is it chuffing freezing right now? *Pauses from wiping icy needles of driving rain out of eyes* What we all need this dreary, cold, miserable January under lockdown number eight billion, is a touch of pure luxe. But what we also need, is luxe on a budget as we’re all skint after Christmas.

Enter County Mall, your one-stop shop for all your retail needs, with this belter of a January offer. This actual real-live hot tub is just £300 at B&M, one of the 80-odd retailers stocking more than 200 brands, all under one roof.

Aching all over after your first Joe Wicks workout of 2021? Fire this baby up and soak your aches and pains away. Looking to get fruity with the other half while the kids are distracted by screentime? Hop in the hot tub and pretend you’re at a Californian frat party during Spring Break. You’ll have to be quick though, as this offer only applies while stocks last and Muddy’s already fired up the wagon ready to hurtle over to Crawley to snap up hers. You have been warned.

Lay-Z-Spa Miami Hot Tub, £300, B&M, County Mall, Crawley

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